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    Movement Standards

    Wall BallKettle Bell SwingBurpee DeadliftsSquat CleansBox JumpsStep Ups – Kettlebell ThrustersDouble UndersSingle Unders – Toes To Bar – Hanging Knee Raises

    Wall Ball:

    Athlete will start in a full standing position and perform a full squat with the wall ball where the hips go below the knee crease then stand and thrust the ball to a 10’ foot target, the bottom of the ball must clear the lowest point of the target and make contact with the target. Both Male/Female wall balls must be off the floor prior to start of reps and cannot be dropped until all reps are completed or penalty will be assessed.

    Kettle Bell Swing:

    Athlete will swing the kettle bell up overhead, reaching full extension at the top, elbows locked and in-line with shoulders, hips and heels. Both Male/Female kettle bells must be off the floor prior to start of reps and cannot be dropped until all reps are completed or penalty will be assessed.

    Burpee Deadlifts:

    Athlete will place hands on the barbell, kick their feet out, perform a push up making contact on the bar with any portion of the chest between the top of the ribs and just below the collar bone, then kick their feet back and stand up complete with the barbell to a full standing position; knees locked, hips open and shoulders behind the plane of the bar. Both Male/Female barbells must be off the floor prior to start of reps and only the barbell being used to perform the movement may touch the ground. If barbell is dropped at any time where movement is not being performed and/or if opposite barbell is dropped prior to all reps being completed, then penalty will be assessed.

    Squat Cleans:

    Athlete will pull the barbell off the ground, opening the hips completely prior to squatting under the bare and coming to a full standing position. Feet cannot be more than shoulder width apart, knees, locked, hips completely open and elbows must break the plane in front of the bar. Both Male/Female barbells must be off the floor prior to start of reps and only the barbell being used to perform the movement may touch the ground. If barbell is dropped at any time where movement is not being performed and/or if opposite barbell is dropped prior to all reps being completed, then penalty will beassessed.

    Box Jumps:

    Athlete will jump from the ground with a two foot take off to the top of the box and stand up with knees locked and hips completely open prior to descending down from the box. Athlete may jump or step down once points of performance are reached at the top.

    Step Ups:

    Athlete will step up one foot at a time to the top of the box reaching the same points of performance as a box jump. Full standing position, knees locked and hips completely open prior to descending down from the box. Athlete may jump or step back down once points of performance are reached at the top.

    Kettlebell Thrusters

    Athlete will pick up kettlebell in a front rack position and perform a loaded front squat where the hips are belowknee crease then proceed to thrust the kettlebells overhead with the elbows, hips and knees locked and in line with the shoulders and ankles. Kettlebells must stay inside the width of the athletes’ shoulders at top of the thruster.

    Double Unders

    The jump rope must pass twice under the athlete’s feet for every single jump performed.

    Single Unders

    The jump rope may pass only once under the athlete’s feet for every single jump performed.

    Toes To Bar

    The athlete must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. Both feet must be in contact with the bar at the same time, inside the hands.

    Hanging Knee Raises

    The hanging knee raise begins just like the toes-to-bar but ends when the athlete has raised their knees above the height of their hip.